Devotional (Prayer) Meetings
As well as private prayer and meditation, regular meetings are held for collective worship and reflection. These meetings are sometimes held in people's homes and sometimes in community centres.

Study circles, which are multiplying rapidly throughout the world, are gatherings of people from all walks of life who are interested in an in-depth, systematic moral, intellectual and spiritual study. A study circle is a small group that meets at least once or twice a week for a few hours, usually in the home of one of its members, to study the course materials. All those participating are seen as active agents of their own learning, and tutors strive to create an atmosphere that encourages individuals to assume ownership for the educational process in which they are engaged. A study circle should be a space that leads to the spiritual and moral empowerment of individuals.

Childrens Classes
Our Bahá'i children's classes are open to all children regardless of spiritual belief. They emphasize character building and moral and spiritual development. Every child is considered to be full of potential - “...a mine rich in gems...” - which education alone can reveal.

Junior Youth Groups
The Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Programme is aimed at young people who are at a crucial stage in their development when they are defining their identity and values. The series of programmes seeks to enhance the youth's spiritual and intellectual capacities and help them to develop a strong moral basis for their lives and the decisions they make.